What do we do?

The purpose of the Foundation is to enhance the quality of life for the La Puente community through the funding of community-based programs.

These programs include but are not limited to:

Youth recreation, athletic and education programs;

Community based wellness and enrichment programs;

Senior recreation, leisure, education programs and support services;

Park and facility improvements;

Cultural arts programs, literary programs, visual and performing arts programs;

Initiatives for events and programs staffed by community volunteers; and

Potential for other community organizations to partner with the Foundation subject to development of a partnership agreement and approval by the Foundation Board of Directors.

Meet the Board

  • Barry Deirmenjian


  • Jose Frank Sanchez


  • Kevin Xie


  • Martin Paz


  • John Solis


Board Meetings

Regular Meetings for the La Puente Community Foundation are held the third Wednesday of every month at La Puente City Hall, 15900 Main St, La Puente, CA 91744, at 10 A.M.

If you have any questions about Board Meetings, feel free to contact us at foundation@lapuente.org.

  • The La Puente Community Foundation hosts regular meetings on the third Wednesday of every month, but we may sometimes hold special meetings. Information regarding special meetings, including the date, time, and place, can be found posted on EVENTS or our BLOG.

  • Regular meetings are held the 15th of every month at La Puente City Hall, 15900 Main St, La Puente, CA 91744, at 10 A.M. If you wish to attend or submit public comment, you may attend at that time.

  • The Foundation’s agendas and minutes for its meetings can be found below, downloadable in PDF format.

    Agendas for regular meetings are posted 72 hours prior to a meeting. Agendas for special meetings are posted 24 hours prior.

  • All seats on the Board of Directors for the Foundation are occupied.

    Board Director is a volunteer position. If a seat becomes available on the Board, it will be posted on our BLOG.


    Any person may request to inspect or receive a copy of a public record (excluding records exempt from disclosure by law).

    When completing your request, be as specific as possible and provide a description of the record(s) being requested. Include information such as the project name, property address and type of record sought, along with the time period covering the requested record(s).


    Under the law, the Foundation has ten days to determine whether the request seeks disclosable records in possession of the Foundation and under certain circumstances, the time for the Foundation to respond may be extended. In such a case, you will be notified with an estimate of the date disclosable records will be available.